Gentiger CM-59 GT1614 Portal Milling Machine-916BB


High speed 3-axis machining center GT-1614-PSD

CNC銑床 GENTIGER GT1614 -CM-59 石墨銑床-新虎將 


Rigid Structure
The Gentiger GT features T-shape machine structure, exhibiting superior rigidity. The width of column is the same as the base. The table is independently installed on the base and is fully supported through the entire stroke. This machine offers high speed, maximum stability and high precision, providing a competitive edge in small type precision mold and die machining.


Product Description

High speed 3-axis machining center GT-1614-PD

CNC銑床 GENTIGER GT1614 -CM-59 石墨銑床-新虎將 

新虎將GT 之機體為T型架構設計,展現非凡的結構剛性。機體與底座同寬,工作台獨立於底座之上,提供全行程支撐。具有高速、穩定、高精密特性,是精密模具加工的致勝利器。

Rigid Structure
The Gentiger GT features T-shape machine structure, exhibiting superior rigidity. The width of column is the same as the base. The table is independently installed on the base and is fully supported through the entire stroke. This machine offers high speed, maximum stability and high precision, providing a competitive edge in small type precision mold and die machining.

Serial No:CM-59

Origin Country:Made in Taiwan


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